Across the world, work from home became the sole form of employment when the COVID-19 pandemic hit. Now that we have shifted back to an in-person workplace, the effectiveness of work from home is being evaluated as a more permanent solution.
Rise of Work from Home with the COVID-19 Pandemic
Just a few weeks. We were told it would be just a few weeks in isolation to mitigate the spread of the COVID-19 virus. However, as days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months, and months into years, it was evident that the COVID-19 pandemic was here to stay. Especially during the first year where there were so many unknowns about the novel coronavirus, staying away from others was the safest course of action. Therefore, schools and workplaces moved to an online setting. As we adjusted to the work from home (WFH) lifestyle, the convenience and advantages demonstrated its potential as a new and better way of employment. But aspects such as schedule conflicts and self-guided work deterred many from working from the comfort of their own homes.
Benefits of Work from Home
Despite the fact that WFH had existed in minimal forms for the last few decades, 2020 and the COVID-19 pandemic redefined the concept of WFH to be a widespread and more self-guided concept. Not only has working from home created benefits for companies as a whole, but also for their employees. Most notably, employees save time commuting back and forth to the office on a daily basis, giving them more time to care for themselves and their families. Additionally, WFH provides opportunities for employees to choose to work during times that are most productive or convenient for them, as well as reduce distraction from coworkers. Finally, many workers feel more comfortable in their home environments as opposed to the office, as they can control factors such as lighting, temperature, or background noise.
Drawbacks of WFH
While multiple benefits of WFH have been revealed over the past two years due to the shift forced by the pandemic, not everything about working from home is favorable. Firstly, distractions at home such as partners or children can disrupt the work day. Children in the U.S. as well as adults have had to stay home as a direct result of the pandemic and parental obligations such as preparing food and helping with schoolwork may interfere with work. Additionally, while not having coworkers around to distract is seen as a benefit, workplace isolation and social confinement can actually decrease productivity and exacerbate stress. Finally, WFH is largely independent-led, creating a whole new model for the office. When transitioning to a WFH setting, there is a learning curve for working independently as well as learning any new software or schedules.
WFH: Here to Stay
To conclude, COVID-19 has permanently changed the dynamic of the professional work world. Working from home has both perks and obstacles, but navigating it as a main source of work for the first time was revolutionary. WFH was supposed to be a temporary solution to the pandemic at hand, but may possibly be the future of work. Whether it be full-time WFH or a hybrid schedule, it is safe to say that the home office is here to stay.